A Smarter, Civil Discussion. Try Kialo.

Kialo encourages users to engage or follow “pro-con style,” online discussions.

Some say the social media landscape has turned toxic in recent years with regard to public debate, which has made it difficult for some to find a platform for a more civil discussion on the topics of the day.  According to a Dec. 2014 research article featured in The Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media titled, ” Seeing is Believing: Effects of Uncivil Online Debate on Political Polarization and Expectations of Deliberation,” research conducted by Dr. Hyunseo Hwang, Youngju Kim indicates, “That the exaggerated perception of a divide in American politics may erode citizens’ belief in the democratic potential of public deliberation.”

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Enter Kialo, “A debate platform powered by Reason,” created by CEO and Founder, Errikos Pitsos, a German-born tech entrepreneur according to the Financial Times in January.

Detoxify Your Debate. Sign up for Kialo Free Today.